Gather with 3-5 of your teammates alongside up to 7 other organizations in a unique, idea-inspiring setting as you develop competencies across 6 key dimensions of your organization. You will build community with other organizations while you collectively work towards solving pressing issues related to these dimensions. Your Thread Rocket Mentor will help you implement actionable takeaways each month as you work towards a more sustainable and impact-driven organization. Upon graduation, you will become a fellow Rocketeer and forever be apart of the Thread Rocket Community of world-changers.
An outcome-based focus for your activities and pursuits.
A mindfulness of the rewards and consequences of your duty.
Articulation of your purpose and captivation of a variety of audiences.
An approach for the discernment and design of programs and their contributions.
Intentional transfer of power to beneficiaries of organizational activities.
Cultivating participation in the delivery and promotion of your mission.
Cohort members have the opportunity to be a part of something more than just a workshop. Our cohorts are strategically designed to help you become a more innovative and sustainable organization through education, collaboration, and application. Learn to become more effective in your fundraising and engagement efforts and properly prepare your teams for your missional pursuits. Our Cohorts will empower you to confidently work towards systemic restoration.
This Cohort will have a maximum of 7 teams and will be a (COVID safe) in-person gathering once a month. Location and start date to be determined once full. Expect creative activities and gathering environments. Price is per 3-5 member team.
This Cohort will have a maximum of 7 teams and will be a (COVID safe) in-person gathering once a month. Location and start date to be determined once full. Expect creative activities and gathering environments. Price is per 3-5 member team.
This Cohort will have a maximum of 5 teams and will be a virtual gathering once a month. Start date to be determined once full. Expect creative activities and meaningful interaction. Price is per 3-5 member team.
Help successful graduates of the (re)Accelerator™ fund their initiatives towards restoration.
Mentor Rocketeers as they journey through a 12 month Cohort to redesign their organization.
Have skills to help us in our efforts? We're always looking to put God-given talents to work for His Kingdom.